Pierce The Veil - The Jaws Of Life LP (Indie Exclusive 'Dreamsicle' Vinyl)
Pierce The Veil - The Jaws Of Life LP (Indie Exclusive 'Dreamsicle' Vinyl)
2235 Fern Street
2235 Fern Street
San Diego CA 92104
United States
Pierce The Veil debuted atop Billboard’s Top Rock Albums, Alternative Albums, and Hard Rock Albums charts twice – first with Collide with the Sky (2012) and its follow-up, Misadventures (2016). A decade after its release, the already platinum “King for a Day” shot to No. 1 on Billboard’s Hard Rock Streaming chart, driven by the viral #KingForADay hashtag on TikTok. Even with two gold singles; a gold album; 2022 could be their biggest year. Because this is the year of The Jaws of Life.